As the years go by, more and more individuals throughout the world have become infatuated with injectables that slow down the ageing process—at least visually. Botox is one of the injectables that the general public have begun to love. Botox is a neurotoxin that inhibits nerve-muscle transmission for a short period of time. Botox, in other words, temporarily paralyses the injected muscle for three to six months. Doctors utilise Botox to correct two types of wrinkles for anti-aging purposes. These types include static wrinkles and dynamic wrinkles. Static lines are deep wrinkles that people’s faces develop through decades of frowning, smiling, and lifting their brows, whereas dynamic wrinkles are only noticeable when they make a certain facial emotion. The treatment’s purpose is to completely prevent the production of static lines. With that being said, if you already have static lines, then repeated treatments with neurotoxic (and filler) can soften and, in some cases, remove them in the long run. This cosmetic treatment is a great solution to the visual effects of ageing, but because it has only been around for 30 years, its long term effects are not talked about worldwide as much as they should be. That being said, here are 5 long-term effects of Botox that you need to know.
Botox trains your muscles
Botox paralyzes facial muscles to minimise the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the forehead, around the eyes, around the lips and other areas on the face. The results are frequently seen after a few days of receiving the injections, but continued use can truly train your muscles to not create any wrinkling on the surface of your skin. Part of the explanation is that your forehead muscles will grow accustomed to the reduced movement that it experiences after a botox treatment. Another explanation is that your forehead muscles will no longer produce the motions that generate wrinkles as vigorously after years of use. With that being said, your muscles will eventually adapt to the effects/restrictions of the botox injections and they will automatically be less inclined to create the lines of ageing.
Fewer treatments with more use
At the start, most people require Botox injections every 12 to 16 weeks, or every 3 to 4 months. This is very common and this may go on for a couple of years or so. However, as mentioned above, botox trains your muscles to not move as much, which results in a lack of usage of these parts of your body. Because of the lack of usage, your muscles tend to weaken and you teach yourself not to move as violently. With that being said, since your muscles are not as strong as they were, the effects of botox injections will be more prevalent, meaning you may be able to lower the frequency of your Botox injections and yet you will still obtain the same benefits.
Effects do not wear off immediately after discontinuation
It is very common for people to be concerned that discontinuing Botox injections may result in an instant reversal of the benefits. The fact is that if you’ve been taking Botox for years, this more than likely will not happen. It is not like your face will try to compensate for the visual ageing effects you’ve avoided by automatically wrinkling and creating lines across your face overnight. The reason why the Botox effects won’t wear off immediately is due to the fact that a combination of muscular exercise and not using those muscles can maintain your skin smooth and wrinkle-free. Because of the injections you took of Botox over the course of however long it may be, you have allowed yourself to seem years younger than your real age even after you quit the medication.
Brighter and smoother skin
Botox is an amazing cosmetic treatment that provides a tonne of benefits and one of them includes long-lasting glistening skin. It comes as no surprise that the more and more you use botox, the more your skin will become wrinkle-free. What most people don’t know is that if you take Botox for 10 years or more, your skin will also seem brighter and smoother. Even if you discontinue Botox injections after years of use, you will see less creases between your eyes or on your forehead, indicating that you will age gracefully. This is just another reason why Botox has become so popular over the past few decades. If you have more questions about how this works or how Botox injections work in general, talk to your local, trusted doctor today to clear up any confusion or curiosity.
Better Elasticity
Botox injections that are applied routinely over time have shown, with the evidence of various clients, to stimulate collagen formation in the skin. Collagen is crucial for skin suppleness and flexibility, and this aspect of your body declines with age. This means that the more you grow old, the more rigid and stiff your skin will become. Dry skin and wrinkles can develop as a result of collagen production declining. Regular, persistent Botox injections can boost the body’s natural synthesis of collagen and elastin, extending the anti-aging effects. This will allow you to look and feel younger for longer amounts of time, even after stopping your intake of Botox.
Botox injections is one of the most beloved cosmetic treatments on the market as of right now and it is for a good reason. Not only does this injection have a number of short-term benefits, but it also has various long-term benefits that some people are not aware of. Some of these benefits include trained muscles over time, more prevalent results after a number of uses, effects staying apparent even after discontinuation, brighter and smoother skin and more supple skin. It is no surprise that this cosmetic treatment has been growing over the years because it offers so much to its users. If you are interested in investing in Botox injections, you should talk to your local, trusted doctor to learn more about it today!